You Can't Steer a Parked Car
Working hard over the last week to get 'The Three Refinements' practice guide out the door and into the hands of Wing Chun practitioners. I'm happy to be able to say that it will be available for purchase June 1, 2020!
For the last couple weeks I've also been tuning in to Sifu Francis Der's Sunday Siu Nim Tao, and connecting with other Wing Chun brothers and sisters over video classes at San Francisco Wing Chun.
Finally, I've been producing a series of 20 Minute Standing Meditation videos, and am now available for 1:1 tele-practice sessions at Three Refinements Wing Chun.
For escapism and cardiovascular exercise while cooped up in the house, I have really enjoyed taking virtual bike rides around various mountain lakes on my under-desk cycle.
It can feel impossible once you have been overcome by stationary inertia, but it's important to keep moving, to keep finding things to do better, and really all it takes to get started is a little nudge in the right direction. As we say in class, 'You can't steer a parked car'.
Finally, I've been producing a series of 20 Minute Standing Meditation videos, and am now available for 1:1 tele-practice sessions at Three Refinements Wing Chun.
For escapism and cardiovascular exercise while cooped up in the house, I have really enjoyed taking virtual bike rides around various mountain lakes on my under-desk cycle.
It can feel impossible once you have been overcome by stationary inertia, but it's important to keep moving, to keep finding things to do better, and really all it takes to get started is a little nudge in the right direction. As we say in class, 'You can't steer a parked car'.
Reach out and give that nudge to someone in your Wing Chun family or broader community. As I say in my practice guide:
"To make the most of what Wing Chun has to offer, train yourself to practice listening; go out and play Wing Chun with the world around you. Practice building connection with the Earth, with immovable objects, with other Wing Chun practitioners. Receive more, connect more, listen more, relax into proper structure."
I'd love to hear what you think! Please don't hesitate to tell me in the comments, on the Three Refinements Facebook page, or book an appointment and tell me in person.
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